Friday, February 3, 2012

Critical Fail: SW: KotOR II: The Sith Lords Part 3

Talking With Droids Is Only So Much Fun
So after a long and rather pointless T3 section we get the door open and Atton has some concerns about going into the mines to go open a door to do something. I get lost in how exactly this all supposed to get me to a ship to get off the asteroid.
Some dumb dialogue happens that involves the Exile getting some clothes and descending into the mines and fighting eve more droids.
You know what would make this whole section even creepier? If there were half as many droids. They all die in too few hits. If the whole death of the miners plot line (which we will be exploring in this little update) would be even creepier if we faced even fewer droids. But I’ll extrapolate more later.
In the tunnels there are some clothes for the Exile (thank god). And some silly gameplay devices.
The Exile then does some more contrivances to open a single door and then she escapes into a new section of the level.
One the floor is a dead body (which I find funny since he was apparently mined into little pieces but the avatar is one piece and there is zero blood), and we hear a familiar voice (if you player KotOR 1 [have you played it yet?]).

Exile: “How do you know me? I’m not your master.”

HK: “Answer: I am a survivor of the Harbinger, just as you were, Master. With the unexpected termination of my previous Master, you are the only organic which I may now serve.”
Exile: “Who was your previous Master?”
HK: “”Answer: The captain of the Harbinger, master. I was in transit to Telos to facilitate communications and terminate hostilities… However, we did not arrive at our intended destination.”
Exile: “What happened?”
HK: “Irritated Answer: Oh, Master it is such a long, dull story. And not terribly relevant to our current situation.”
Exile: “Why don’t you tell me anyway?”

OK, I am already bored by this conversation because it is fucking long. I think this conversation alone accounts for half of the screen caps I have thus far.
Basically: HK-50 is a terrible liar, the Exile finds out that she was drugged during a medical procedure aboard the Harbinger when everything went horribly wrong, HK-50 put the Exile in the Ebon Hawk and they all wound up here.
Besides the actual “how did I get from a Republic ship to the Ebon Hawk to here” being sort of answered, this whole conversation struck me as being completely useless. We already know that the miner’s wanted the Exile for the bounty (at least some of them), we already know that most (if not all) of the miners are dead because of the droids, we know that the miners were becoming increasingly paranoid because of the malfunctions, so why do we need this super long conversation about all of this? Again?
And all of this is to open ONE door to get to ONE specific ship that is, apparently, our ONLY way out of here. Anyone remember the last time this happened?
I think this whole thing was done as a sort of fan service to the fans of the first game. It is HK-47 with a new paint scheme, the same love of killing things. But they suck oh so much more than 47 and this isn’t even the same character! Does that even count as fan service?
This conversation covers 102 individual screen caps. One Hundred and Two. Bad Developers. Bad.

Saving Throw:
This update is rather short, and late, mostly because of school related shit I have to do, but mostly because I actually got really bored with this game after this conversation as stopped playing if for about two weeks. Anyone who wrote this game, if you are reading this, FEEL ASHAMED. This is the worst thing you can have a player do. The only reason I am going back to it after this is because I feel compelled to continue to point how this game fails so badly.
Also you should really go read that link, it is helpful and Shamus Young is an amazing person who does more than I could ever hope for.

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